Lorien Suárez-Kanerva
Lorien Suárez-Kanerva
Artist: Virtual Solo Exhibition, Articles, Book, Interviews & Videos
Artist Statement, Biography and Essay by Dominique Nahas
Wheel within a Wheel Paintings
Elan Flow & Beholder Paintings
Wooded Terrain, Breath of Life, California Native Plants Artwork
Art Writer: Interviews & Show Articles
“Road Trip” curated by David Pagel 2024 Art Installation at Tamarisk Country Club, Rancho Mirage, California
Ohana: Ed Moses, Andy Moses, and Kelly Berg at Melissa Morgan Fine Art Gallery in Palm Desert
Kelly Berg: A Crack in Everything at Craig Krull Gallery
Diane Holland at Tufenkian Fine Art and Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Art
Dennis Kleidon: “Dialogues and Revelations” show at Art Space 349
Earth-Sea-Sky: Am Yisrael Chai by Alison Hyman at the Slutzky Family Gallery
Sean Scully: LA Deep Show at Lisson Gallery
Andy Moses: Recent Paintings at William Turner Gallery
"AFTERGLOW X TWINART at Melissa Morgan Fine Art"
"Interview with Steven Salzman"
"Punctuated Equilibrium" curated by Peter Frank
Interview with Peter Frank
Interview with Noah Becker
Andy Moses: In Search of the Sublime at JD Malat Gallery
Steven Salzman Interview, Melissa Morgan Fine Art Inaugural Show
"Ed Moses: California Cool" Exhibition at JD Malat Gallery, London
"Ed Moses: California Cool" Exhibition at JD Malat Gallery, London
"Sightlines" Exhibition at Melissa Morgan Fine Art Gallery, Palm Desert
"Sightlines" Article at Melissa Morgan Fine Art Gallery
August Palm Springs House Parté